+ I am thankful for a loving partner who supports me, encourages me, and accepts my faults better than I do myself.
+ I am thankful for back-rubs to help me sleep in the middle of the night, cute thoughtful texts, help with the chores, and kisses at the end of a long day.
+ I am thankful for all the devices I am far too reliant on and far too ungrateful of. Technology is awesome, people.
+ I am thankful for silly tv shows that let you take your mind of things for a little while.
+ I am thankful for warm puppy snuggles.
+ I am thankful for midol and my rice bag.
+ I am thankful for my kind mother and her friendship. I am thankful for her wisdom, her generosity, her loving advice, and her craftiness (I get it from her).
+ I am thankful for cozy piles of blankets, warm tea, scarves, sweaters, and my love of reading.
+ I am thankful for a creative mind and the ability to express it in many different outlets.
+ I am thankful for autumn leaves, halloween everywhere, and pumpkin flavored everything.
Leave it to a few extra long, tiring, busy days to remind me just how great I have it. I love you all xxo.