1 This picture is actually about a month old — from the end of May. We had some cold, rainy, lovely weather for a bit. This was taken at the North End Organic Nursery on my phone on a Saturday trip looking for plants and new pots. A lovely memory and a picture I love a lot for no real reason. // 2 A perfect cantaloupe, my favorite fruit. I've gotten really good at picking good produce. // 3 & 4 Will came home with a tripod for me one day (he found a good deal on one!). These were taken that same night at sunset because we couldn't wait to try it out! // 5 & 6 From a hike on the upper part of Hulls Gulch with my sister. The wildflower is a mariposa lily. And the view of the valley from up there is ridiculously beautiful. // 7 Post inventory nap. Pippin snuggles are the best forever. // 8 Bored, stuck inside due to the heat, selfie. // 9 Another chance, cool, rainy morning. Will went into work late so we could enjoy a slow morning together. Love. // 10 Nighttime park sits. // 11 My mama went on a trip to Montana and came back with gifts for me — this pretty new camera strap and an adorable wire headband. // 12 Weaving something like this for my walls. // 13 & 14 My mom came out for a morning hike with me and then treated Will and I to a breakfast with her at Big City Coffee. She's the best mom, obvi. // 15 This face, forever. Makes me so happy. // 16 A recent morning hike.
Since I didn't share much this month, I thought it'd be fun to go back through some pictures (the end of May to current) that captured some special moments. It sure is a helpful activity for attempting to defeat that summertime sadness — I'm making a real effort to focus on the happier moments instead. But know what really helps? The weather is being kind to me with a break from the heat these next few days. It's currently well into the afternoon and I still have the windows wide and haven't turned on the AC at all! Thank you, clouds. I might even get some rain tomorrow (fingers crossed)!
xx Emorie