If you're a frequent reader, you know I have been escaping to the trails and hills that surround me, daily, for as long as we've lived here in this beautiful apartment. It is my favorite kind of alone time and may even be my favorite part of the day. Pippin and I can get lost out there for hours; I feel pretty lucky with the miles upon miles of trail that is accessible from my home.
I've been spending more time than usual in these hills lately, especially now that I have a new camera to play with. I figure this has got to be the best place available for me to learn, practice, and improve my photography. I'm feeling pretty spoiled, to say the least. Yesterday Pip and I found a nice shady spot along a creek. I sat along it's bank for as long as my allergies would allow, desperately trying to capture the beauty of the trees, leaves, blossoms, and green green grass all around me. And Pippin was happy, running freely, chasing squirrels and ducks. I've been soaking up as much of this creative energy as I possibly can, attempting to stash some of it away for later.
Simple escapes like this are what I live for; they are so important to my creative process. It is a simple, quick break from the scheduled and predetermined. Sure, I schedule time for myself for these walks, but I allow spontaneity to take me on a different path each time. As an over thinker, my little escapes have become vital. I encourage other creatives out there to seek out their own little escapes ( or as I like to call them, mini-adventures) frequently. Even a simple walk will provide you with so much movement, color, and inspiration. The key is to capture it and let it transform you.
xx Emorie
This is beautiful, and the photographs are beautiful too. I can't wait to see me.
I love this. Especially the last sentence: The key is to capture it and let it transform you. I need to figure out a way to take a mini-adventure and allow just that to happen. Thank you for your inspiration!
Stunning! So glad you're enjoying the new (very fancy) toy. :)