I've been thinking a lot lately about where I was personally this time last year, where I've been since then, and where I am now. It's strange, looking back at all those moments as a whole, trying to trace the path that got me from there to here. On the surface, it may not seem that much has changed for me. I am living in the same place, I am unemployed again, I am in the same relationship. But I can honestly say that the person I have grown into this year is vastly different from the girl I was. I've accomplished a lot this year for myself. I started this blog, for one. That was a huge goal of mine for years (yes, years). I am incredibly happy, which is something I don't think I would have said last year. I am getting better every single day at managing my anxiety. I am learning to move past so many of my fears. I am learning, growing, and loving.
Looking forward, I always have a tendency to expect so much from myself. As humans, we tend to be slightly a little too optimistic about what we can do in the future, but I think this is a good thing. Sure, I am no where close to where I envisioned for myself at the beginning of the year, but life happens and setting goals is still important to me. I think that may be the most important part of looking back over the year we are completing, recognizing all of the unexpected hardships that you encountered and acknowledging that you accepted them for what they were and made it through regardless. Let's all pat ourselves on the back for that.
I know that this year was a hard one for me, but for all of those struggles I have far more joy to look back on. So many great memories were made this year and I'm proud of all I have accomplished.
A few favorite posts/things from this year, in chronological order
+ Lots of random drives with my loves: It Pays to Take the Back Roads
+ Having a little lake all to ourselves for some canoeing, camping, exploring, and love celebrating: Anniversary Weekend Camping at Little Payette Lake
+ This is Why I'm Happy
+ My first set of hair tutorials, back when I had quite a bit more hair to work with: The Criss-Cross Applesauce, The Upside Down and Around, and The Bohemian Wrap
+ Learning to be happy while being away from Will for the first time in our relationship was hard, but I did manage to function normally without any communication with him while he did field work this summer. Hopefully I'll be better when that occurs again this summer. A Little Lonely Lately.
+ Our backpacking trip in the Sawtooths this September did not go according to plan, but it was still one of the best trips of my life. I will hold all of those memories so dear. Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 of the trip.
+ I got to tag along with Will for one of his work trips. It wasn't too eventful, but it was a lovely little getaway. And a real treat for me because I miss northern Idaho so much: Fish Creek
+ I had so much fun making our Halloween costumes this year and they were a big hit! I'm not quite sure what to do with them now, though. Our Halloween Costume: PACMAN and MS PACMAN
+ That one time I thought I completely ruined my bangs and then ended up really loving it: Oops I Cut My Hair Again
+ I started a new series called Inspiring People I've Met Online. Look out for more remarkable people to be featured in this series this next year.
+ We actually went out and did a lot of festive things this holiday season, like going the the Tree Lighting and walking around Winter Garden aGlow. This december has been Magic.
It was so much fun going back through these posts (particularly the trips we took) and being able to read my account right along with some of my favorite pictures from the events. I'm remembering that this is the number one reason why I blog and what I continue to love about doing so. I love documenting these memories for us and allowing them to be easy to recall. This is something I want to work on further this new year, specifically in also capturing those smaller everyday memories and special moments as well.
Happy New Year! Have a fun, safe night celebrating a new beginning.
xx Emorie